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Are You Overriding When You Need Rest?

So how do we allow ourselves to rest deeply, especially when we may find ourselves in a society where we’ve actually been conditioned to override and not listen to the body, and to be driven by the values of productivity, and making money and accomplishing on the external.

So all these factors can contribute to a kind of fatigue and even exhaustion from not actually allowing the body to drop into a state of relaxation, and regeneration, and integration that is needed to maintain an equilibrium and balance.

So how do we shift our orientation to listening to the pace of the body and actually valuing a deep caring and restfulness. And allowing those times of integration in between our activities so that we can maintain our ground and maintain our Center, so that we’re moving with integrity, that we’re moving from that balance point of inner listening.

Recently I had an experience of there being so many things that I’m inspired to do, as well as having travel and a lot of things compressed into a short period of time- that I felt good about doing and yet I continued to be stretching and stretching and stretching my bodies capacity. And then I reached a point when it was so clear that I needed to stop. And so I came and spent a couple nights sleeping in the forest and allowing myself to release all the agendas of the Mind and really slow down into quality of being where my body can revive.

And being in nature is one of the most potent ways for me to do that, to Resource by coming into communion with the Earth…. being with the trees and the plants and the water and re-calibrating, re-finding that inner balance so that I can bring that back into all the things that I’m inspired to be doing.

There’s other aspects in our current World context that can be overwhelming for our body systems or at the least stressful on some level. There’s a continual inundation from media, from the electromagnetic fields that our bodies are in on a fairly consistent basis, as well as the mental emotional fields of the other human beings we are around. So all of these inputs can be a lot for our system to be with, digest, integrate. And many times, because it’s maybe more than we can digest, there can be a falling into patterns of zoning out, tuning out, numbing out. Which is understandable because actually fully being with the information that is coming in at times takes a slower pace than what we become familiar with in terms of the speed of our current social contexts.

So I’m finding it incredibly essential to find my own pace that feels balanced and in harmony and when I veer from that, really making it a priority to slow down and listen, I find that my perception gets confused, it gets clouded and then I may start making choices that are out of alignment. So with my commitment to moving from that inner Center and the Deep listening in the heart, it’s imperative for me to slow down and listen to the body and rest deeply.

I invite you to explore for yourself what is your pace of balance and what facilitates you to be in a continual inner listening to the wisdom and the body, in order to maintain your own balance.

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Find The Place Where You Belong

How do we find Our Place, our sense of true belonging?

Many of us have had this experience of not quite fitting in. I’ve had this recurringly through my life. And it makes sense that we don’t feel a sense of fitting in to a social context where we are conditioned to be motivated from values and beliefs that actually don’t resonate with our own inner being. If we continually look outside to find our sense of belonging we may get stuck in a cycle of perpetual seeking. And there is something completely valid about a yearning to be in relation with place and people that are resonant with our sense of inner purpose.

And it is my perception that when we start within, finding our own belonging in this embodiment, in this time, and listening to the heart, trusting our soul inspiration and acting from this inner knowing, we then start to vibrate and radiate that which is authentic expression of our essence.

And in that we become a magnetic resonator for other beings that have
that quality of vibration as well, where we will find more of that sense of being at home because we are first coming from that inner home.

And I have had an experience of this recently over the months in Costa Rica where the more that I crystallized my inner sense of devotion to creating a space, being in a space that is conducive to this Inner Harmony, and Harmony in relation with other beings and with the Earth, and the more I honoured that Central sense of Soul Purpose, the more I found my experience in place coming to match that inner feeling, and not only match it but amplify that true essence of my heart, my soul inspiration… breath in of spirit, movement of the Divine stream of love.

So may you find that inner Trust and home and belonging in your own embodiment here in this time, and allow that to move you, and call forward the place and the people that are in alignment with your purpose!

I welcome your comments 🙂

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Reclaiming Our Power From Anger

“So how do we reclaim our power from anger? How do we utilize our life force towards our purpose? …coming from our heart inspiration, originating from our Soul Essence, and that Divine stream of love in our core, moving us into expressions in the world.

A lot of times anger can be linked with a storyline of somebody, or ourselves, or some situation doing wrong. And this can cycle us through quite an emotional, mental, physical toxicity. What seems vital is to witness any kind of story, contact any other emotional qualities that are within or beneath the anger, and see what is it that my system is saying no to!

And then the key being, how can I utilize my energy towards what I am saying yes to?

I’ve been witnessing these little sparks of residual anger arising in me in the last days and I’m going to share what’s been helpful for me. So noticing that energy sort of rise with an intensity or a fire and allowing that energy to move through, bringing the hands together and pressing, engaging the muscles in the arms and the shoulders, allowing there to be some movement. Exploring what in my system is saying no? And engaging the arms can be a way of feeling a sense of physical boundary, the boundary of my skin touching and engaging the muscles. Boundary being an aspect or expression of no. Once allowing that energy to move and feeling more of a full presence, inhabiting the tissues in the body, feeling the ground, pressing into the Earth with our seat or with our hands.

And then exploring what is there a yes to? and feeling into the heart. For the heart can be like an instrument of resonance for really sensing and knowing what am I saying yes to.

Because a lot of times when there is anger there is some form of no that hasn’t been honoured by someone, or by ourselves. So exploring what are our needs, what is at the core of what my being is saying yes to, is a way of re-honoring, integrating any experiences that might be unresolved in our system by honoring that no and honoring that yes now.

So, if you find anger arising, I invite you to inquire into…
1- What is the storyline that’s there?
2- Are there any hurt emotions underneath from an experience of not honouring a no?
3- How can I allow the energy that was contained some form of healthy integrative movement?
4- And how can I center into what my being says yes to!

This yes being connected to that inner heart inspiration, Soul Essence and divine stream of love.

For it is here that we find the true power,
to create in the world from Love.”

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Lifting The Cloak Of Shame

“Shame can feel like a weighting heavy cloak with this sticky icky feeling and a contraction away from life, away from others, trying to hide and withdraw, disappear, and not be seen.

It can really have a limiting effect on our capacity to express our authentic voice and the inspiration of our soul into the world! A lot of times shame originates from experiences where that authentic voice… our feelings of life, or natural impulses or needs, or what we’re truly inspired about-  is met with some form of violence… whether that violence is moralistic judgments, or a physical or sexual violence, or an emotional energetic toxicity that’s directed towards us. And in experiences like that, it can be imprinted as there is something wrong with us, not enough, too much, or bad. When that kind of message gets coupled with the natural movement of our authentic expression, it can create a kind of confusion, a kind of “wires crossed” experience internally… and a distrust of that natural expression and inner voice coming into connection!

So how do we unwind those imprints of Shame which can come from childhood and be woven into a sense of self in the world? They can also come from experiences socially, culturally, in our education system, or in our society where there is this group think and shaming of certain choices of expression… with the added element of the threat of the loss of belonging or the threat of punishment. So shame and fear can be a dynamic together. There can be an intentional shaming to affect behavior. So it seems important to me that we actually bring the light of awareness into these places in us individually and as well as awareness into how that mechanism of fear and shame can be operating in the larger social collectives that we’re a part of.

In order to undo this sort of cloaking of our light, it can be really helpful to be in relation with others where there is that shared awareness, and the capacity to really hold and meet those feelings of Shame and fear with loving compassion, acceptance, and kindness… in order to undo the grip that it has in the subconscious mind and in our mode of operating… on the pathway of what is moving us, what is affecting our choices, and the freedom to be in that full authentic expression of our soul inspiration, and listening to that as what moves us <3

It seems key to be growing community where there is that shared capacity, so that we can accelerate our power to transmute the places where we’re carrying those imprints of Shame and remember the Pathway to our essential divinity, So that we can bring forth our unique Soul Inspiration and gifts and contribute those to growing a harmonious existence on this Earth together.
And may it be so!”

I welcome hearing your reflections and comments <3

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Uprooting Fear, Re-membering Love

“How do we return home to the pure love of the Divine heart, especially when we’re in a triggered state? I’ve been in this deep diving right in to some of the places in my body where there’s a held residue of fear from experiences that were terrifying and been looking into what happens that clouds the lens of perception and usurps the pathway of trusting my own inner knowing, what happens and how can I return to that place where I remember my true essence of love. And exploring how can I connect to that spark of light in the heart that is in resonance with the Divine Light, the luminosity that can fill through the tissues, illuminate from the inside out those places where there’s contraction and clouding from residues of fear in the system. What I’ve been doing feels like a getting into the roots and getting underneath the roots and slowly bringing, and sometimes intensely bringing that into the light of my awareness so that it can be integrated and not functioning in the background of the subconscious mind and the emotional landscape, so that it’s brought into the light.

And a big part of that is holding whatever arises with sweet tender compassionate presence, meeting those felt memories of Terror and horror and grief sorrow and despair, within the light, the witnessing consciousness present in the heart. It’s a different quality to witnessing just with the mind. It’s more anchored into the centre and connected to the midline and held within the empathic intelligence of our heart centre which when connected to this Divine luminosity it can illuminate those places where there can be kind of a a sludgy lethargic compressed energy held in the tissues.

So one of the things I’ve been working with is some memory in my neck and allowing this awareness to rest into the tissues while keeping an anchor in this luminous Centre so that love can pour in to the cells. It’s like a liquid fluid light of pure love.

And it’s not always easy by any means to face those places where there is such intense sensation and memory and emotion and thought that is dwelling, actually in a past experience. And I’m finding that it’s really through meeting those places in the body with this quality of presence that there is Liberation from those Energies that sometimes become familiar and habitual as a way of feeling, perceiving, relating, and acting through.

So it’s connecting that anchor to the Divine heart through the physical heart in our body as the compass and as the continual anchor to return to in times when there is challenge and friction and the triggering of memory that pulls us into that pathway of fear.

So we strengthen the pathway of the Divine heart by anchoring our awareness in our physical Heart Centre, feeling that luminosity that is our essence, allowing that Soul presence to inhabit and fill our body and our heart field that extends around the body. This Rippling out into the world, our heart being a receptor and a broadcaster of this Luminosity of pure love. And in this we become resonators for others to attune to and remember their own Divine spark of light and that pure love. That is the true freedom, is the true freedom.”

I welcome hearing your reflections and comments <3

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Alchemy of Divine Heart

“The heart, when awakened as a capacitor for our divine soul essence, has an incredible alchemical power to transmute that which has impeded the clear perception of our luminous divinity. So, what I mean by awakening the heart, is to actually fully inhabit the body and come into direct contact; bring presence into, anything that is being held as a protective guard or residual of some form of emotional pain, that can cloud the perception of our soul divinity.

So this can be a process because there can be layers that we are carrying, imprints from traumatic experiences or conditioning in our cultural, societal, familial, educational contexts that we have developed our personality and experience of life through. In order to fully access and bring alive the ongoing experience of the divine heart, the spiritual essence of our being, there is a necessity to actually be with, to meet those conditionings, those imprints that we’ve carried in our body, mind, emotions, and field.

Once we start to be in touch with that divine essence, that soul frequency, it has the capacity to actually dissolve, dispel, and release into the light that which is not in resonance, is not of truth, is a distortion of the perception of our essence. And we tend to accumulate these distortions from those kinds of experiences that create a fragmentation and a disconnection from our whole integrated being, and no fault or wrong in this, its just helpful to really see that clearly for what it is so that we can continue to grow our capacity as a vessel and instrument of our divine soul frequencies.

For the way i see it, we need your soul embodied, and the expression, the emanation, the contribution of your unique soul gifts in this time, as we unite in the divine heart towards creating a harmonious existence on earth.”

In coming videos I will share more about my process of centering in the heart and strengthening trust in the heart’s capacity for inner transformation. Thank you for sharing in my first Vlog post. I would enjoy hearing anything that resonates with you! If you would like to receive these Vlog posts by email each new moon and full moon, I welcome you to join my Heartletters list.

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