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Is rejecting the inner child blocking you from receiving what you need?

Is rejecting your inner child actually blocking you from receiving what would be nourishing in your life right now? Rejection can take many forms: self judgment, resistance or denial of our feelings, or it can be hidden in a spiritualized ideal of transcendence. This idea that feelings of anger, shame, grief, etc don’t have a place in the awake, conscious being. So this can actually perpetuate an internal fragmentation and polarization that actually originated in a time of a painful experience where we didn’t have support, or the love, and care, and holding for our emotions, and so in some way part of our experience got fragmented, disconnected from, dissociated from. And if we’re able to, in the current time, meet the feelings that arise that are actually from the inner child, and call them in, bring them in to the light of our higher Consciousness, within the midline, within the embrace of the heart field, we can then bring that fragmented Child part into the current time through compassionate presence, understanding for the needs that were not met at the time, and tending to the tender feeling states that may be stimulated by a current situation in our life. So when we’re able to accept and meet these places within with sweet loving care we give to ourselves that which we did not receive and we start to build the pathway of actually being able to receive the nourishment and love from relationships in our life, and be able to discern where we put our energy in relationships, so that there actually is a pathway of clear receiving that which would be supportive and nourishing to our being. So I invite you to look into if there’s any ways in which you are criticizing, judging, resisting certain emotional states that are being brought to the surface that are actually the child calling for the loving attention, care, support, understanding that she didn’t get at one point in time. And so we can bring that to her now and start to bring her into an integrated coherence in the present time so that our energy is then available to be choosing consciously relationships and experiences where there is that reflection of the inner acceptance, love, and care.

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From pain to purpose: the transformative healing power of your gifts

How is the expression of our gifts actually essential to our full integrated healing and a truly joyful life? So from my view the expression of our gifts is our soul inspiration embodied into creation. And when we’ve experienced some form of traumatization, which most of us have to varying degrees on the spectrum of intensity, there can be a fragmentation of our whole integrated being, and a lot of times there is some aspect of survival fear that gets activated in our body systems, and that survival fear can usurp authentic expression, and then mixed with the variety of different emotional textures that can be linked with the unresolved memories of traumatic experiences: such as shame, fear, grief, anger, despair, etc… these can also cloud our clear perception of who we are as a soul here embodied in this time. There can be a confusion of actually where we are in time, for the body can be stuck in a loop of a really painful experience as if it is still happening now. So all these different aspects of fragmentation can impact us in a way where we can forget, or yeah a kind of amnesia about where is the pathway to that deep inner listening of the voice of our own soul. And from my perspective it is actually through that embodiment of our Soul Essence that is the sure way to actually dispel those voices that we may be carrying from painful traumatic experiences. Maybe there’s somebody else’s voice or maybe they’re an introjected voice that we actually mistake for our own. So it’s through the actual expression of our Soul Inspiration that creates space and a field of this body and being, as a Radiance and an expression of our soul.

So I have a little inquiry to offer as a way to explore how our wounding can actually be so linked to our greatest gifts. So I invite you to inquire one: what is your greatest fear? two: what is the origin or root of that fear? three: how did that affect the trust in your heart? four: what are you inspired to give or contribute into the world? five: what do you perceive is blocking the full expression of that gift? six: what is one thing that you can do today to honor that gift in yourself, in your life, in your relationships? And if you would like support in your healing Journey or bringing your gifts into full expression in the world, I invite you to click on the link in the description and we can explore how I can be of service to you. May you find your own unique pathway to the full expression of your soul gift! We need you.

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What is at the root of violence in Israel? and what is needed for Harmony?

What is at the root of what separates us?

And leads to cycles of polarization, violence, traumatization, and death?

I have been feeling into the collective of humanity, and the earth in these times

Feeling the climactic crisis in Israel and Palestine

and inquiring into what is at the root

and what is needed, how can we bring love into the eye of the storm?

and at this moment there is a new moon eclipse in Libra.

I find myself considering the aspect of balance, harmony, mutuality…

Sending a prayer of love, and peace, and harmony to all the people in the Middle East,

The Israeli’s, the Palestinians, and all of us

For we are, we are one being, we are interconnected.

So, from this perspective of being one…

I am curious to look at what is it that Palestine and Israel is expressing…

what part of our being is coming to such an intense climax of crisis?

This is quite a sensitive topic and as I was preparing to share with you today,

I was feeling so many different layers of what is being stirred in humanity right now around this situation.

Whew… there is such an intensity and in that intensity,

I perceive a great potential for transformation.

so many of us are trying to make sense of what is happening.

And with so many different layers of a historical conflict and….

a variety of different “investments” into what is happening

it can be a lot to digest, and metabolize and make sense of.

What I keep coming back to is this inquiry or prayer of

how can I be an instrument of love,

how can I, within myself, bring compassion to this expression of

terror, of anguish, of grief, of heartbreak, of confusion, of despair

how can I meet this with compassion, humility, and deep soul listening.

My sense is that it is beyond the rational mind to make sense of.

and the sense making is partly bringing our awareness to these different felt aspects of the whole picture.

So coming back to one of my first questions of what is at the root of what separates us?

Or what creates the distortion in our lens of perception

that leads to us thinking that we are separate?

and that somebody else out there has to pay.

I have been looking into terror and what is it that moves one to terrorize?

And many times it comes from an experience of terror.

and a pain that is sometime so overwhelming and intense

that there is an impulse to somehow seek a way to find relief from that pain.

and attempt to find a sense of power.

and so many times this leads to cycles and cycles and cycles

through generations of traumatization

where one experience of terror, of violence, of being violated, of loss,

of torture, of being a recipient of sadistic hatred and violence

impacts one in so many ways that if not processed and brought love, compassion, healing, re-integration into the totality of awareness

are then influencing one’s perception, ones action, ones reaction.

And the feeling of being powerless too can be flipped into an attempt to find power by powering over another.

And this is a tragically painful, continuous cycle and attempt to meet needs for empowerment, for love, for freedom.

So if we can bring, in ourselves love and compassion to those places

where we may have experienced terror, or some flavour of fear.

where we may have experienced loss, heartbreak,

anger about experiencing being violated or the recipient of violence.

If we can bring compassion into those places within us,

we then grow our capacity to meet that in the collective

and we can meet one another with that love.

With that understanding, with that empathy.

Dropping beneath all the story-lines that perpetuate a self-righteous blame, shame, justification for continued cycles of violence.

Of course the sorrow is not only valid, but calling for love,

tenderness, sweet care, kindness.

And I don’t propose to know what those who are experiencing the war there are going through.

What I can do is open my heart to feel

and meet whatever arises.

to not shy away, to not avoid, to not deny, to not numb out, but to meet… straight on.

To look into the eye of the storm with my heart open and loving, and listening.

As we try to make sense we may not find answers with the mind.

We can come back to the center of our being, the seat of our soul

the gateway to emanating divine love into our humanity, our collective being,

One of the most challenging things to actually include and meet with love, and make sense of is acts of cruelty,

acts of terrorizing.

And it seems to me that the events currently are a call for us to bring our hearts into contact with what is happening.

How can we come together?

How can we re-integrate the parts that have been disenfranchised, that have been oppressed, that have been terrorized?

that are wounded, that are hurting.

How do we do that in ourselves? and how do we do that as a collective?

In me there is an inspiration that we hold this inquiry together.

That we hold the inquiry: how can we come into harmony? What is needed for healing?

How can we participate in that healing?

How can we be instruments of love?

How can we meet it all with compassion?

for we are one being, we are One.

We are in a time of great transformation, it’s not always comfortable.

May we rise…

together, and one to meet this crisis, and all crisis as a healing crisis.

As an opportunity to re-integrate those parts of ourself

that need love the most.

Once again, a prayer out to the people in Palestine and Israel, and the whole web of life, interconnected.

The breathe… bringing an emanation of our soul divinity, our love into creation.

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How to come into our true power

How do we come into our true power? how do we take our seat on throne of our soul destiny? There are many people that talk about “being in your power.” What does that mean? how do we do that? and what is the purpose of being in our true power? So to me true power is about love. It is about being embodied, Soul embodied, and utilizing our creative life force, our vitality in this embodiment, in alignment with our heart, that connects us with all of life and has this empathic intelligence, and connecting that with our mind, our sight, our knowledge so that we are integrated and using this instrument of embodiment to bring forth the vibration, the expression, the contribution of our unique Soul presence and Gifts in this time of great transformation. So another aspect of how we be in true power is a lot around collaboration and this isn’t just collaboration of the mind, which is just one aspect of the whole being, this is the collaboration of each one of us cultivating the capacity for our soul embodiment and in that inherently we encourage one another to also bring this conscious awareness into our embodied way of relating, and contributing to the world. So it expands what collaboration can be into a Collective field of bringing our Divine Essence into form, into embodiment into collaboration. And when we join together with others where there is a common sense of soul purpose and we are being, relating with one another in ways which really encourages each one of us to transform that which is needed to fully realize – to make real – our Essence into expression, this is an act of love. So once again… bringing our creative energies, our knowledge, and awareness, and capacity to perceive the whole into integration with our Soul Essence, our unique expression of divinity, so that our actions are a movement of our soul, in support of, in expression of love in service of divinity embodied on Earth.

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When fierce compassion means saying no!

What is fierce compassion and how can this serve us in the clarity of what we’re saying yes to and what we’re saying no to?

So I’ll start with yes and no. When we have a Clarity of focus in what we’re choosing to orient our life to, there is an aspect of saying no to other things. Although it’s not a no of resistance or judgement or making something wrong, it is simply a shift in attention, awareness. So if we are orienting our energy, our focus, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions to that which feels aligned and true in the heart, as a resonator of the Divine of the Soul, then there will be things that arise in our life that we say no to, and it’s a very different quality of coming from some experience of actually feeling disempowered or like we don’t have a choice and then then are in some kind of reaction to that internal dynamic, which can create a kind of polarization or resistance against something.

So when we’re focused on that what we’re saying yes to there is a flow of our energy in that direction and it simply does not flow to these other things, or people, or situations. And so there can be kind of a progression that can happen in order to get to that place where it’s just a simple reorienting of our energy to what we’re saying yes to, which comes from really cultivating, or resting into, the trust in the compass of our heart as that voice of our soul, of our Divinity. And so what can be helpful in that cultivation, in that inner resting in the heart, can be a quality of fierceness. And once again this isn’t a fierceness that is from anger or from resistance or from some kind of moralistic judgment. This is a fierceness of determination, of Devotion to truth, to clear perception, to what is loving. There is an unwavering resolve inwardly and this is what I’m referring to as a fierceness, and sometimes that can really require a kind of protectiveness of that Focus because there are many things in life that may distract our attention or attempt to usurp our energy, or our emotions, or our nervous system.

So with a Fierce determination there is this continual returning to the focus of devoting all into love. And that may sound simple and yet it can be a practice of really strengthening that pathway. It’s like a rewiring of our orientation, and then that fierceness, quality of clear determination, matched with the the loving of the Divine Heart, the Compassion of meeting and feeling all in the presence of this Illuminating love, that in its fullness inherently dispels all that clouds the clear perception of our Soul’s Divine love.

So I have this Vision, this visual felt sense of the heart emanating that love so strongly and clearly that the whole field around the body becomes illuminated with this strong brilliant light and in that light… it’s a wordless space of clear perception of the essence of love. In that love light there is a burning of all that clouds that inner truth. So may the

light from the Divine love of your soul illuminate all that clouds the trusting of your heart so that you may see clearly your essence, your Beauty, your Brilliance that will eliminate your path.

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When all else fails, trust love!

When all else fails trust the love in your heart. There can be so many voices vying for attention in the media, in our families, or communities, or the internal voices that we have carried from our childhood or from impacts from our society and the collective psyche of humanity. And these voices can confuse our inner clarity or usurp our energy. If we’re not careful we can actually identify with these voices as “Who We Are.” So if you’re finding yourself feeling destabilized in some way, or off course, or confused, or pained, I invite you to really come back to the center of your being, to the essence of your heart, that access to your inner divinity and inquire into what is loving?

And maybe there’s accessing a memory or thinking of somebody or some experience that really brings this felt sense of emanating warmth and divine loving. And once being able to feel that and Center in the heart, and the midline as an inner anchor, then we can bring that into an inquiry around whatever situation we’re in and feel truly what is love calling for what is loving now.

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Seeing through self doubt and staying on our soul path

How do we uproot the self-doubt that impedes the pathway or distorts the pathway to actually trusting the heart? So there may be voices that we face that are self-doubting that are actually giving us information that can inform our discernment about what’s aligned. And then there are the self-doubts, that stem from a deeper imprinting in our body and field, of distrusting our heart, and this can originate from experiences where in some shape or form it registered as unsafe to actually express, listen to, or act from our inner knowing.

So how do we reclaim that inner knowing and see clearly when the voices of doubt arise and attempt to pull us off course? Recently I’ve been in an experience of really fuller expansion into a vision that I’ve been having and stepping forward, and along the way of continually coming back to that which feels true and coming from this Soul calling that shows as an luminosity in the heart, and when on course there is this match of Luminosity with what it is that I am choosing. So in the process of this, I’ve been facing places of self-doubt, and going into seeing what is the origin of those self-doubts. And what I’ve come to is feeling the impacts of having messages, that, like receiving voices, hearing people’s words and actions as a child, and that translating into a distrust of what my inner body knowing, perceptive apparatus is saying.

So how do we uproot those places? those voices when they arise and attempt to serp our energy and pull us off our true course? Part of it is seeing clearly, and it can be helpful to look into the origin so that we can shed light on the progression of how those imprints have been part of the construct of our process of perception. And then having a practice of continuing to come back to, and I noticed this movement with my hands, so continuing to come back back to our midline, and that felt sense of this illumined divinity that we can feel through our midline, and can be especially palpable in the Soul center of the heart, beneath the layers of the emotional experience of the heart, so into that core. And as we anchor in that felt sense of what it is like to move from here, then when these other voices arise, we can come back here and check it, check this voice with this anchor. And sometimes we might find ourselves pulled out for quite some time and then it’s a process to come back in order to have that clearer discernment.

So another thing to inquire, if we notice a doubt, is does this have a quality of fear? or is there some information in this doubt that can actually inform my pathway of clarity? Because as we practice really moving from the heart there are ways in which we can delude ourselves with stories of the Mind telling ourselves that what we want is what our heart is calling us to. And so this comes to another point of when we are aligned in the place of the Soul Center in the heart, this is inherently connected with the Divine stream of love and this is a very different quality of presence, Consciousness, energy then our human desire that is oriented to some kind of egoic fulfillment, or attempt attempt to have fulfillment when the true fulfillment is being full of that divine presence.

This is a continual Act of surrender until it becomes an abiding continuity.

So we can check our motives… are we realigning? are we choosing to consecrate our actions as a movement of Divine love? Or are we moving from some kind of attachment and looking for something? … that is actually pulling us out of that Center.

So in summary we are watching the self-doubts, looking into the origin, seeing if there’s any information that is serving us to actually come into alignment, or is this voice of Doubt pulling us out of alignment with that Divine surrender to being an instrument of love?

And I’ll just close with a prayer that there be ease and Grace in our aligning all aspects of our vessel to be an instrument of divine love.

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How to choose from the heart and inner alignment

How do we choose from the heart and the inner alignment, especially amidst so many changes in our world in these times? I’ve had a request for more practical application of what I’m sharing around the path of divine heart, so today I’m going to explore what it feels like to be anchored in the midline in the body and oriented to the Soul Essence in the heart and allowing choices to arise in this Grace.
Many of us may be experiencing the pulls of the variety of different narratives in the media and the different aspects of what is very much stirred up in the collective psyche of Humanity on the planet right now. And what can be helpful is to really strengthen our own inner Center and anchor our awareness here, so that when we come into relation with others and with what we feel in the collective mind and the subconscious of humanity, we can remember where we choose to be moving from in life .

So in order to really find our own midline it can be helpful to sit upright or stand upright and move forward and backwards until you really get this sense of that spot that allows the spine to be straight … well it has its curves but stacked in a balanced way. So if you’re sitting you can rock the pelvis slightly forward and back until you find that spot that feels like your pelvic bowl is sitting well supported on your cushion and the spine is able to rest in its balanced aligned position. So being able to feel the pelvic floor, your sits bones, connected to your seat and through that connected to the Earth, and feeling that support beneath the body. And then if you’re standing you can also feel that down through the feet more directly.
And then something I find useful is to just gently spiral the spine, from the sacrum. So there’s sort of this gentle circling and going up from the sacrum vertebra by vertebra, bringing your full awareness into this Center Line in the body. So we’re just waking up more of the sensations around and through the spine so that more of our attention and presence can come in there. So doing that gentle spiraling all the way up until you get to the occiput, and then gently coming to Stillness. And also rocking the head slightly backwards and forwards until you find that spot where it feels like your head can rest on top of your spine and there also may be a little bit of forward and back exploration of the head.
Sometimes our comfortable resting position is not actually in full alignment because of some muscle tension that might be holding a certain pattern in the body. So you know finding your own way with this. And then bringing the awareness through the whole midline.
I like to visualize and feel this quality of Luminosity coming from far above the head down through this Central midline of the body, feeling it as one integrated Channel down all the way through sacrum, the tail, down into the Earth. And just being with that for some moments feeling this Center of alignment in our own body and then we can expand our awareness, staying present in the midline and expanding it around the body feeling the entirety of our field. Taking some breath and allowing a breath to fill throughout all the cells of the body and expanding out through our whole field. And then keeping that anchor in the midline and awareness of our whole field, you can bring your attention Into the Heart… and going deep within the Heart Center, beneath any kind of fluctuating emotions into this light essence of the Soul. And if that doesn’t arise naturally, just visualizing a little Central Sun in the chest in the heart Center and allowing that to radiate out, filling the body with that Soul light essence and and filling the whole heart field with your unique Divine Soul Essence.
This is your body, Your Vessel, for your soul luminosity.
And then once having a sense of that midline, luminous Soul Essence in the heart, radiance filling the field… from this awareness, in this space we can then bring into our attention to a choice that we may be facing in our life, and maybe there’s an apparent two pathways. Of course there’s always many pathways, but maybe there’s a choice that appears like there’s this or there’s that, and from that place of center and radiant heart, we can feel into… is this pathway in resonance with that alignment? or does it pull me out? or contract something? or activate the mind? or some kind of emotional charge? and then similarly with this, does that resonate? do I feel a sense of alignment? is this pathway resonant and supportive? and I feel aligned in my center? and feel that resonance of heart when I explore this pathway?
And there may be layers that arise to inquire into… different thoughts about the situation, different emotions, subconscious imprints from childhood or from the collective, and we can witness those within this quality of presence. Noticing what pulls our attention off center, what feels contractive, what feels activating of the nervous system, and continuing to listen, what feels aligned here?
And this may require some unplugging our investment into certain ideas of what we should do, what we have to do, who we think we are, what we think others want us to be. And the more that we practice coming here, feeling our midline, feeling the soul essence in our heart and listening and trusting, the more we grow that pathway and it becomes more and more a graceful ease to allow ourselves to move from here.

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Are you submitting to or rebelling against conditioning? or trusting the Divine?

Are you submitting to or rebelling against conditioning? or trusting the divine? in the midline, in the heart? I’m really inspired about this inquiry right now, as it seems essential in really claiming our body as the vessel of our soul.

I’ve had this experience over the last couple weeks after going to visit family, and visiting the place where I was born, and looking into the larger picture of my coming here into this life and the constellation of my parents and their relationship and the core learnings that I have chosen on this path in this life… I’ve been going through a time of unraveling more layers of what has been held in this body from experiences with family and from my ancestral lines. And my body started to present certain places of inflammation and pain, and as I went in to those places and listened deeply, what started to present was this clear voice of my body being done digesting other people’s thoughts, emotions, energies, and unresolved experiences. And so in listening I’ve been in a time of really contacting some of those original experiences that led to me developing pattern of submitting to and attempting to process through my system that which I felt around me.

In the dynamic of submission it can be quite a subconscious contraction and dampening of our life force and our tissues in different places, with this sort of subconscious perception that it’s not safe to be in our true expression. And then with the Dynamic of rebellion there can be this sort of reactive, fiery projecting expression, sometimes a self-righteous anger or reactivity that is fixated on an idea of someone doing something wrong to us. And that one can be a tricky one because in a process of healing from a traumatic experience, where there was some kind of disconnection from our essence it can be vital to reclaim an owning of our own body and biosphere, energetic field, and a choosing what we engage with. And anger may arise as part of that Journey. Where it gets tricky is if we continue to identify and fixate on a reactivity that perpetuates a kind of fire and is actually underneath still identified with being a victim.

So the center path of finding our own inner alignment and listening and trusting what is in resonance with our being, our body, our soul, our divinity is the core of being able to also see clearly those places of Submission, contraction, dampening our energy and the explosive reactive retaliatory Rebellion.

So the more and more we’re able to contact and feel our true essence and tune in to the golden river of our Divinity through our core, there can be an illumination of those subconscious reactive behaviours and a loving into those places. And as we love into those places, those memories in our body it can inherently release the life force that has been bound in those survival strategies, so that we can actually utilize that energy for what we’re inspired to be living, creating, expressing from our essence.

It can be sometimes a sort of sneaky delusion that we may find ourselves getting into that containing ourselves is actually serving or being in some kind of dramatic assertion in the world is somehow serving. And a balanced way there are times that we it’s helpful to hold something and it’s helpful to express something. It’s a very different quality when those are coming from an integration in our Center.

So I invite you to look into are there ways that you are submitting to the imprints the voices from your past are there ways that you are rebelling to those voices or memories from your past and how can you allow yourself to settle into that Center and feel that Divine luminosity
and move from here <3

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