Skill-building for working together

We build the real value

It's time to up-level
our collaboration and
create the communities
we envision for our world!

I welcome you to join us in a journey through the cycle of heart centered collaboration. We will dive into the paradigm, practices and principles for thriving on purpose in harmonious co-creation 💗 

Let's join our gifts to create a harmonious world through how we collaborate!

Tools for this time of great transition between worlds

From the mind-centric ‘separation & domination’ matrix of fear
to the heart-centric ‘harmony & collaboration’ matrix of love.


Lens of perception
cultivating heart coherence individually, with one another and the earth


Core viewpoints
for focusing our attention and growing our awareness


Effective tools
for embodying our paradigm and principles in action

Transform Common Challenges

Unclear purpose, or loss of inspiration

Blame, defence, or voices unheard

Submitting, rebelling, or overriding the heart

Power struggles, cross talk, or draining meetings

Competition, comparison, or gifts unvalued

Reactivity from trauma, conditioning, and fears

Lack of integrity or coherence in relations

Workshop Outline

An Experiential Overview of the 7 Key Spheres of Practice in The Cycle of Collaboration

1 Vision

Vision together and stay connected to purpose

2 Communicate

Communicate compassionately and consciously

3 Choose

Choose from the heart and include all voices

4 Organize

Organize to harness the collective creative energy

5 Contribute

Contribute your soul gifts towards your common mission

6 Learn

Learn from experience in ongoing evolution

7 Harmonize

Harmonize within, in community and with the earth

This is the 1st Introductory Workshop in a series of "Heart Centered Collaboration" Workshops.
The focus will be on cultivating self awareness and relational practices
that can be integrated into any collaborative relationship.

Structure and Content

The Blueprint

The workshop is based on my "Harmony Blueprint" which includes the triune of harmony, the 7 keys in the cycle of collaboration, and the 12 spheres of stewardship.


Drawing from Nonviolent Communication, Sociocracy, Somatic Trauma Healing, Eco-Village Design Principles, Gift Economy, and the Cycles in Nature.


Balancing visual presentations with experiential exercises (individual, partners and group), sharing insights and contemplating practical application in life.

Would you like to discover how heart based community collaboration can work and how we can get there?

Are you starting a community, in a group facing growing pains, or simply like to up-level your collaboration?

This is for you if you feel inspired and ready to...


yourself with a roadmap to collaborate consciously


in the heart as the compass in your journey of co-creation


your gifts as an essential part to creating a thriving community ecosystem


support to transform challenges that arise and act on purpose

Realize your dream for community!


Melody Lucian

Your Guide

I am inspired about calling forth our soul gifts, and mobilizing the collective creative power of communities towards living their purpose. I have been passionately working in the field of Relational Skill-building for over 20 years and I lead with compassionate heart. My titles include: Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, Somatic Counsellor (Trauma and Relationship Healing), Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Dancer, and Community Facilitator with training in Sociocracy. I am also the visionary Founder of The Harmonia, dedicated to embodying relational, ecological, and spiritual harmony.

This "Heart Centered Collaboration" Workshop coalesces my work with Intentional Communities, Non-Profits, Leadership Teams, Couples and Individuals, as well as my soul perceptions of what cultivates harmony.


Group Facilitation, Greensong

The Heart Temple Circle

Heart Temple, Santa Cruz CA

Melody Lucian Faciliation Social Justice Project

Youth Program, Mnt. Sentinal

Melody Lucian Collaboration Workshop Tulan Mexico

Collaboration Workshop, Mexico

Melody has the medicine the world needs right now

People need to feel connected to their purpose, to know that what they are doing is contributing to the world, and feel a sense of trust and alignment with those they are working with. She has the tools that make that possible."

Eli Mead, Greensong Sanctuary

Here is what you will receive

7 Experiential Explorations

Learning tools in the cycle of heart centered collaboration

Take Home Learning Resources

Harmony Blueprint Mandala & Collaboration Guidebook

Support Buddy

Share together and support one another's learning

Heart Centered Connection

Learning, playing, feasting, and being together

Online Community Hub

Forum and direct messaging for integrating learning

Monthly Online Zoom Circle

3 month access to a community skill building call


We gratefully receive your contribution to supporting heart centered collaboration in the world

I invite you to tune into your heart and give what feels aligned.
Contributions are made as donations to the Harmony Society which is
dedicated to cultivating spiritual, ecological, and relational harmony.

Considering varying financial capacities, there is a suggested range below 💗 If this isn't doable, contact us to share what you can give.

Delicious plant based lunch included.


Low income



Medium income



High Income


Choose Your Weekend


Slocan Valley, BC

Date TBA


@ The Vallican Whole
Community Centre

Handcrafted wood hall
with big windows
nestled in the forest
30 min from Nelson


Saltspring, BC

Date TBA


@ A Retreat Centre
near the ocean

Stay tuned for
an announcement
about the workshop
happening here

santa cruz

Santa Cruz, CA

Date TBA


@ A Community
in the hills

Stay tuned for
an announcement
about the workshop
happening here

Your Community

If you are inspired to bring this workshop to your community in person or online, reach out!
A 9 Week Course for more in depth learning is also in the works.

Like to explore if coming to
this workshop is for you?

I welcome you to connect