When fierce compassion means saying no!

What is fierce compassion and how can this serve us in the clarity of what we’re saying yes to and what we’re saying no to?

So I’ll start with yes and no. When we have a Clarity of focus in what we’re choosing to orient our life to, there is an aspect of saying no to other things. Although it’s not a no of resistance or judgement or making something wrong, it is simply a shift in attention, awareness. So if we are orienting our energy, our focus, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions to that which feels aligned and true in the heart, as a resonator of the Divine of the Soul, then there will be things that arise in our life that we say no to, and it’s a very different quality of coming from some experience of actually feeling disempowered or like we don’t have a choice and then then are in some kind of reaction to that internal dynamic, which can create a kind of polarization or resistance against something.

So when we’re focused on that what we’re saying yes to there is a flow of our energy in that direction and it simply does not flow to these other things, or people, or situations. And so there can be kind of a progression that can happen in order to get to that place where it’s just a simple reorienting of our energy to what we’re saying yes to, which comes from really cultivating, or resting into, the trust in the compass of our heart as that voice of our soul, of our Divinity. And so what can be helpful in that cultivation, in that inner resting in the heart, can be a quality of fierceness. And once again this isn’t a fierceness that is from anger or from resistance or from some kind of moralistic judgment. This is a fierceness of determination, of Devotion to truth, to clear perception, to what is loving. There is an unwavering resolve inwardly and this is what I’m referring to as a fierceness, and sometimes that can really require a kind of protectiveness of that Focus because there are many things in life that may distract our attention or attempt to usurp our energy, or our emotions, or our nervous system.

So with a Fierce determination there is this continual returning to the focus of devoting all into love. And that may sound simple and yet it can be a practice of really strengthening that pathway. It’s like a rewiring of our orientation, and then that fierceness, quality of clear determination, matched with the the loving of the Divine Heart, the Compassion of meeting and feeling all in the presence of this Illuminating love, that in its fullness inherently dispels all that clouds the clear perception of our Soul’s Divine love.

So I have this Vision, this visual felt sense of the heart emanating that love so strongly and clearly that the whole field around the body becomes illuminated with this strong brilliant light and in that light… it’s a wordless space of clear perception of the essence of love. In that love light there is a burning of all that clouds that inner truth. So may the

light from the Divine love of your soul illuminate all that clouds the trusting of your heart so that you may see clearly your essence, your Beauty, your Brilliance that will eliminate your path.

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