For partners inspired to align and thrive on purpose together

couples purpose sessions

My Approach

Sessions designed to serve your intentions

with compassion the reactive cycles that disconnect you

conflicts into growth, and deeper connection

your life from mutual trust and support

the nourishment of a reciprocal flow of mutual loving

your heart inspirations and purpose together!

Issues that we can address

Childhood Trauma
unresolved experiences clouding connection

reactivity, defense, shut down, blame, being unheard

Painful cycles
recurring issues that build tension and disconnection

distrust, resentment, and fears from a rupture of trust

sexual trauma, loss of passion, mutuality or attunement

loss of open-hearted closeness or inspiration to be together

Shared Values
misalignment on parenting, lifes choices, etc

Couples Counseling and Retreats with Melody Lucian

What Sessions Involve

You will learn effective practices for mutual support and attunement.  I offer clear reflection, inviting questions and intuitive guidance.  I support you to get to the heart of what matters to one another,  clear what blocks the flow of love between you, return to loving presence together, and free your creative energy to live what your are inspired to live together!

I encourage full self-responsibility for your inner experience balanced with being empathically responsive to the inner experience of your partner. This means being attentive to what arises within when your partner does something that is challenging for you, and attentive to the what arises in your partner when you do something that is challenging for them.


Practices Integral to my Approach

Somatic Counseling

Embodied Awareness

Cultivating body focused awareness and inner resources, witnessing sensations, thoughts and emotions, listening to the wisdom of the heart, and allowing what is stored in the body to have expression and movement in order to release un-processed experiences and become more integrated.

Compassionate Communication

Conscious Relating

A communication process supporting us to relate consciously and compassionately. It gives us a practical and effective map for transforming habitual reactions (judging and blaming ways of speaking and thinking) into conscious connections that value everyone's needs. Also known as Nonviolent Communication.

Adult Attachment Coaching

Mutual Healing

Adult Attachment Coaching brings awareness to how our unmet needs, from the relationships with our primary caregivers in childhood, are being expressed in our current intimate relationship. We cultivate attunement and loving response to one another’s needs, allowing the healing of these residual childhood imprints.

Integral Yoga

Divine Life

The practice of bringing all aspects of oneself and one's life into union with the Divine; transforming the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual bodies into an instrument for our soul, as the intrinsic Divine within.

Learn mutually supportive practices that fuel your partnership


Creating Connection

Intend Connection

Pause to Rewire

Touch to Calm

Empathize with what matters

Communicate Compassionately

Reveal Transparently

Hold One Another


Growing Trust

Re-route Your Reactive Cycle

Vision Your Partnership  

Repair Connection

Reassure Love

Re-Source Yourself

Request Support or Help

Make Mutual Decisions


Strengthening Resources

Give warm Hello’s and Goodbyes

Encourage One Another’s Gifts

Appreciate as Resource

Say No With Heart

Include Third Parties

Give Pleasure

Celebrate Successes!


Healing Unresolved Experiences

Release Limiting Beliefs

Illuminate The Triggers

Harmonize Beneath Strategies

Mourn Together

Respect your Differences

Receive Loving

Touch to Nourish


What couples are saying

Have a Discovery Consult

Explore how I can support you in your relationship

When our intimate relationship is harmonious with our purpose, it fuels us to give our gifts in the world!
— Melody Lucian