How do we choose from the heart and the inner alignment, especially amidst so many changes in our world in these times? I’ve had a request for more practical application of what I’m sharing around the path of divine heart, so today I’m going to explore what it feels like to be anchored in the midline in the body and oriented to the Soul Essence in the heart and allowing choices to arise in this Grace.
Many of us may be experiencing the pulls of the variety of different narratives in the media and the different aspects of what is very much stirred up in the collective psyche of Humanity on the planet right now. And what can be helpful is to really strengthen our own inner Center and anchor our awareness here, so that when we come into relation with others and with what we feel in the collective mind and the subconscious of humanity, we can remember where we choose to be moving from in life .
So in order to really find our own midline it can be helpful to sit upright or stand upright and move forward and backwards until you really get this sense of that spot that allows the spine to be straight … well it has its curves but stacked in a balanced way. So if you’re sitting you can rock the pelvis slightly forward and back until you find that spot that feels like your pelvic bowl is sitting well supported on your cushion and the spine is able to rest in its balanced aligned position. So being able to feel the pelvic floor, your sits bones, connected to your seat and through that connected to the Earth, and feeling that support beneath the body. And then if you’re standing you can also feel that down through the feet more directly.
And then something I find useful is to just gently spiral the spine, from the sacrum. So there’s sort of this gentle circling and going up from the sacrum vertebra by vertebra, bringing your full awareness into this Center Line in the body. So we’re just waking up more of the sensations around and through the spine so that more of our attention and presence can come in there. So doing that gentle spiraling all the way up until you get to the occiput, and then gently coming to Stillness. And also rocking the head slightly backwards and forwards until you find that spot where it feels like your head can rest on top of your spine and there also may be a little bit of forward and back exploration of the head.
Sometimes our comfortable resting position is not actually in full alignment because of some muscle tension that might be holding a certain pattern in the body. So you know finding your own way with this. And then bringing the awareness through the whole midline.
I like to visualize and feel this quality of Luminosity coming from far above the head down through this Central midline of the body, feeling it as one integrated Channel down all the way through sacrum, the tail, down into the Earth. And just being with that for some moments feeling this Center of alignment in our own body and then we can expand our awareness, staying present in the midline and expanding it around the body feeling the entirety of our field. Taking some breath and allowing a breath to fill throughout all the cells of the body and expanding out through our whole field. And then keeping that anchor in the midline and awareness of our whole field, you can bring your attention Into the Heart… and going deep within the Heart Center, beneath any kind of fluctuating emotions into this light essence of the Soul. And if that doesn’t arise naturally, just visualizing a little Central Sun in the chest in the heart Center and allowing that to radiate out, filling the body with that Soul light essence and and filling the whole heart field with your unique Divine Soul Essence.
This is your body, Your Vessel, for your soul luminosity.
And then once having a sense of that midline, luminous Soul Essence in the heart, radiance filling the field… from this awareness, in this space we can then bring into our attention to a choice that we may be facing in our life, and maybe there’s an apparent two pathways. Of course there’s always many pathways, but maybe there’s a choice that appears like there’s this or there’s that, and from that place of center and radiant heart, we can feel into… is this pathway in resonance with that alignment? or does it pull me out? or contract something? or activate the mind? or some kind of emotional charge? and then similarly with this, does that resonate? do I feel a sense of alignment? is this pathway resonant and supportive? and I feel aligned in my center? and feel that resonance of heart when I explore this pathway?
And there may be layers that arise to inquire into… different thoughts about the situation, different emotions, subconscious imprints from childhood or from the collective, and we can witness those within this quality of presence. Noticing what pulls our attention off center, what feels contractive, what feels activating of the nervous system, and continuing to listen, what feels aligned here?
And this may require some unplugging our investment into certain ideas of what we should do, what we have to do, who we think we are, what we think others want us to be. And the more that we practice coming here, feeling our midline, feeling the soul essence in our heart and listening and trusting, the more we grow that pathway and it becomes more and more a graceful ease to allow ourselves to move from here.