Find The Place Where You Belong

How do we find Our Place, our sense of true belonging?

Many of us have had this experience of not quite fitting in. I’ve had this recurringly through my life. And it makes sense that we don’t feel a sense of fitting in to a social context where we are conditioned to be motivated from values and beliefs that actually don’t resonate with our own inner being. If we continually look outside to find our sense of belonging we may get stuck in a cycle of perpetual seeking. And there is something completely valid about a yearning to be in relation with place and people that are resonant with our sense of inner purpose.

And it is my perception that when we start within, finding our own belonging in this embodiment, in this time, and listening to the heart, trusting our soul inspiration and acting from this inner knowing, we then start to vibrate and radiate that which is authentic expression of our essence.

And in that we become a magnetic resonator for other beings that have
that quality of vibration as well, where we will find more of that sense of being at home because we are first coming from that inner home.

And I have had an experience of this recently over the months in Costa Rica where the more that I crystallized my inner sense of devotion to creating a space, being in a space that is conducive to this Inner Harmony, and Harmony in relation with other beings and with the Earth, and the more I honoured that Central sense of Soul Purpose, the more I found my experience in place coming to match that inner feeling, and not only match it but amplify that true essence of my heart, my soul inspiration… breath in of spirit, movement of the Divine stream of love.

So may you find that inner Trust and home and belonging in your own embodiment here in this time, and allow that to move you, and call forward the place and the people that are in alignment with your purpose!

I welcome your comments 🙂

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