Upcoming Workshops, Courses & Events

My approach to facilitating groups is experiential and interactive. I lead with compassionate heart.

Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Melody's Past Events


Communication • Power • Collaboration
For Thriving in Community ~ 1 Day Workshop

Building heart-coherent relationships as the fabric of Community that nourishes us all

Learn Effective Tools for Success:

• Expressing authentically from the heart
• Listening with empathy & repairing connection
• Giving supportive feedback & making requests

• Sovereignty: 100% self responsibility
• Power of individual gifts in the collective creative power
• Sharing power, organizing in circles

• Clarifying vision, mission, and aims
• Cycle of co-creation & domains of stewardship
• Whole systems decisions & electing roles
• Sharing power and organizing in circles

Integrating practices from: Nonviolent Communication, Sociocracy, Heart Coherence, Individual & Collective Trauma Healing, and Melody’s map for stewarding a flourishing Community Ecosystem.

Transform These Common Pitfalls:

• Divisive power struggles and voices being unheard
• Scattered focus and divergent goals,
• Hurtful blame, shame, and judgments
• Unresolved conflicts draining the creative energy

Experiential & Interactive Learning • Heartfelt Connection • Practices Handbook
Uniting our gifts & mobilizing our collective creative power to realize our vision!


This workshop is for those involved in an Intentional Community or Group Project


Transform Reactive Cycles ~
Couples Online Course

Transform reactive cycles into hearfelt connection

Experience a process to: See clearly the reactive cycles that disconnect you. Re-route your thoughts, emotions, speech and actions. Rewire your brain, through compassion and inviting one another to return to the present time heart connection. Strengthen your capacity for responsive attunement.

Activities: Connect authentically as a group. Explore key concepts of reactionary and compassionate relationship dynamics. Learn 7 foundational everday practices for moving through challenges effectively. Go through a process (in partners) for transforming reactive cycles through compassionate attunement with one another. Share insights as a group. Reflect on how to integrate insights into life. 

This workshop is focused on intimate relationships and is open to all.

circle of feet on beach with heart

Heart Council ~ Weekly Online Circle

Where the heart moves us

We will begin with a heart coherence meditation. Then we will open the circle to share your inner experience through embodied word. Be heard and seen with compassionate presence. Embrace your challenges as gateways for self-awareness and embodied empowerment. Connect with the fueling inspiration of what your heart yearns for. Feel the nourishment of a mutually supportive community circle.

Activities: Co-create a container of heartfelt mutual support. Inner attunement meditation. Learn the Circle Process. Witness and empathize with heart-centered presence. Share insights and gratitudes.


This is an open community circle for those inspired to embody their soul and contribute their gifts in the world!


Sexual Healing Circle ~ 8 Week Group

Inhabit your body, your voice, and your power

Body Awareness . Self Expression . Breath . Movement . Voice

Each Circle will include: body-centered awareness practices, self-care tools for your healing journey, a facilitated turn exploring your inner experience- focused on embodied empowerment, supportive touch when desired, receiving empathy from the group, sharing insights, and stillness to integrate.
Find freedom through being heard, seen and held with compassion

I will share core themes, principles, and practices from my work with clients and my own healing process with childhood sexual trauma. The themes offer understanding of the healing process, the principles expand the view of what is possible, and the practices offer ways for transforming inner experience towards greater empowered embodiment around sexuality and self-expression in the world.

Body Trust, Choice, Compassion, Slowing Down, Resources, Touch, Power, Intimacy, Boundaries and Attunement

Early Childhood Attachment principles, Somatic Counseling, Movement Therapy, Breathwork, Continuum, and Nonviolent Communication.

-Compassion with intense feelings, and related body-mind memories
-Understanding of your triggers in relationships
-Conscious choice of how to respond in relationships
-Pwoer to express your authentic self and live your life


This circle is for those who have experienced sexual trauma

Melody Lucian Workshop Cortez Island

Sexual Healing Full Day Workshop

Depth of support for deep embodied healing

Experience being held in the nurturing container of a small group, exploring unresolved issues around sexuality. Each person will have a turn to be supported in a process of embodied self inquiry.  This will include: listening deeply to the body wisdom, and expressing your inner experience through movement and voice, while recieving supportive contact and compassionate presence from the group.

Activities: Body-centered awareness practices (individual, partners and group). Practices for cultivating sensory listening, resonance, trust, attunement, and mutual support. Connection with our needs, and responding to others' needs with empathy. Our primary inquiries are: how to listen to what the body wants to express, how to feel at choice and have a voice, how to request support, how to connect to inner resources, and how to receive nurturing touch. 

Practices drawn from: Early Childhood Attachment Principles, Somatic Counseling, Movement Therapy, and Nonviolent Communication.

This workshop is for those interested in embodied empowerment around their sexuality.

Group Size is limited to 6 participants.

Interested in Hosting a Workshop?

Schedule a 30 min Consultation