Are you submitting to or rebelling against conditioning? or trusting the Divine?

Are you submitting to or rebelling against conditioning? or trusting the divine? in the midline, in the heart? I’m really inspired about this inquiry right now, as it seems essential in really claiming our body as the vessel of our soul.

I’ve had this experience over the last couple weeks after going to visit family, and visiting the place where I was born, and looking into the larger picture of my coming here into this life and the constellation of my parents and their relationship and the core learnings that I have chosen on this path in this life… I’ve been going through a time of unraveling more layers of what has been held in this body from experiences with family and from my ancestral lines. And my body started to present certain places of inflammation and pain, and as I went in to those places and listened deeply, what started to present was this clear voice of my body being done digesting other people’s thoughts, emotions, energies, and unresolved experiences. And so in listening I’ve been in a time of really contacting some of those original experiences that led to me developing pattern of submitting to and attempting to process through my system that which I felt around me.

In the dynamic of submission it can be quite a subconscious contraction and dampening of our life force and our tissues in different places, with this sort of subconscious perception that it’s not safe to be in our true expression. And then with the Dynamic of rebellion there can be this sort of reactive, fiery projecting expression, sometimes a self-righteous anger or reactivity that is fixated on an idea of someone doing something wrong to us. And that one can be a tricky one because in a process of healing from a traumatic experience, where there was some kind of disconnection from our essence it can be vital to reclaim an owning of our own body and biosphere, energetic field, and a choosing what we engage with. And anger may arise as part of that Journey. Where it gets tricky is if we continue to identify and fixate on a reactivity that perpetuates a kind of fire and is actually underneath still identified with being a victim.

So the center path of finding our own inner alignment and listening and trusting what is in resonance with our being, our body, our soul, our divinity is the core of being able to also see clearly those places of Submission, contraction, dampening our energy and the explosive reactive retaliatory Rebellion.

So the more and more we’re able to contact and feel our true essence and tune in to the golden river of our Divinity through our core, there can be an illumination of those subconscious reactive behaviours and a loving into those places. And as we love into those places, those memories in our body it can inherently release the life force that has been bound in those survival strategies, so that we can actually utilize that energy for what we’re inspired to be living, creating, expressing from our essence.

It can be sometimes a sort of sneaky delusion that we may find ourselves getting into that containing ourselves is actually serving or being in some kind of dramatic assertion in the world is somehow serving. And a balanced way there are times that we it’s helpful to hold something and it’s helpful to express something. It’s a very different quality when those are coming from an integration in our Center.

So I invite you to look into are there ways that you are submitting to the imprints the voices from your past are there ways that you are rebelling to those voices or memories from your past and how can you allow yourself to settle into that Center and feel that Divine luminosity
and move from here <3

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