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Is rejecting the inner child blocking you from receiving what you need?

Is rejecting your inner child actually blocking you from receiving what would be nourishing in your life right now? Rejection can take many forms: self judgment, resistance or denial of our feelings, or it can be hidden in a spiritualized ideal of transcendence. This idea that feelings of anger, shame, grief, etc don’t have a place in the awake, conscious being. So this can actually perpetuate an internal fragmentation and polarization that actually originated in a time of a painful experience where we didn’t have support, or the love, and care, and holding for our emotions, and so in some way part of our experience got fragmented, disconnected from, dissociated from. And if we’re able to, in the current time, meet the feelings that arise that are actually from the inner child, and call them in, bring them in to the light of our higher Consciousness, within the midline, within the embrace of the heart field, we can then bring that fragmented Child part into the current time through compassionate presence, understanding for the needs that were not met at the time, and tending to the tender feeling states that may be stimulated by a current situation in our life. So when we’re able to accept and meet these places within with sweet loving care we give to ourselves that which we did not receive and we start to build the pathway of actually being able to receive the nourishment and love from relationships in our life, and be able to discern where we put our energy in relationships, so that there actually is a pathway of clear receiving that which would be supportive and nourishing to our being. So I invite you to look into if there’s any ways in which you are criticizing, judging, resisting certain emotional states that are being brought to the surface that are actually the child calling for the loving attention, care, support, understanding that she didn’t get at one point in time. And so we can bring that to her now and start to bring her into an integrated coherence in the present time so that our energy is then available to be choosing consciously relationships and experiences where there is that reflection of the inner acceptance, love, and care.

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From pain to purpose: the transformative healing power of your gifts

How is the expression of our gifts actually essential to our full integrated healing and a truly joyful life? So from my view the expression of our gifts is our soul inspiration embodied into creation. And when we’ve experienced some form of traumatization, which most of us have to varying degrees on the spectrum of intensity, there can be a fragmentation of our whole integrated being, and a lot of times there is some aspect of survival fear that gets activated in our body systems, and that survival fear can usurp authentic expression, and then mixed with the variety of different emotional textures that can be linked with the unresolved memories of traumatic experiences: such as shame, fear, grief, anger, despair, etc… these can also cloud our clear perception of who we are as a soul here embodied in this time. There can be a confusion of actually where we are in time, for the body can be stuck in a loop of a really painful experience as if it is still happening now. So all these different aspects of fragmentation can impact us in a way where we can forget, or yeah a kind of amnesia about where is the pathway to that deep inner listening of the voice of our own soul. And from my perspective it is actually through that embodiment of our Soul Essence that is the sure way to actually dispel those voices that we may be carrying from painful traumatic experiences. Maybe there’s somebody else’s voice or maybe they’re an introjected voice that we actually mistake for our own. So it’s through the actual expression of our Soul Inspiration that creates space and a field of this body and being, as a Radiance and an expression of our soul.

So I have a little inquiry to offer as a way to explore how our wounding can actually be so linked to our greatest gifts. So I invite you to inquire one: what is your greatest fear? two: what is the origin or root of that fear? three: how did that affect the trust in your heart? four: what are you inspired to give or contribute into the world? five: what do you perceive is blocking the full expression of that gift? six: what is one thing that you can do today to honor that gift in yourself, in your life, in your relationships? And if you would like support in your healing Journey or bringing your gifts into full expression in the world, I invite you to click on the link in the description and we can explore how I can be of service to you. May you find your own unique pathway to the full expression of your soul gift! We need you.

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